

I have skills and experience in HTML / CSS (SCSS, LESS) / JS (ES6+) / TypeScript / React.js / Next.js / Redux / Mobx. I also got acquainted with tools and technologies such as npm, Git, json, webpack, eslint. In my work, I used the IDE, such as VSCode. Git, Github, Figma.


Ukrainian: Native.

Russian: Native.

English: reading technical documentation.


2015-2020(march) Worked as an administrator in a sports club "Feel Good".

2020(march)- 2020(december) Freelance. I started learning programming languages(HTML, CSS, JS, React.js);

2020(december)-2021(july) Successfully completed courses RS School in the direction JavaScript/Front-End. Certificate

2021(august)-2023(march) Worked aы Front-End developer (React).


2007-2011 Dnepropetrovsk College of Welding and Electronics named after E.O. Paton, in direction “Service of computer and intellectual systems and networks”

2011-2013 National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic". Faculty of Information technology, specialty: "Computer Engineering".

2013-2014 National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic". Faculty of Information technologies, specialty: "Computer systems and networks", specialist diploma.


Passion: I like to understand how does it works, no matter what is it! I like: Working in a team, especially in large projects. If possible, a flexible schedule and the ability to sometimes work remotely. Strengths: Curiosity. The ability to systematically approach problems and find solutions. I work well with structure and logic. Weak sides (I try to turn them into advantages): The need for tools to work with time and dates. When I start to do something interesting I can forget about time without these tools. I need to learn how to work with design.